heh!rupanya da tiga bulan bersawang blog nih!!huhuhu... macam xde buah fikiran lagi nak diluahkan dalam blog ni...kalau nak berkarya pun,biarlah yang bole masuk akal dan minda org dewasa...kang aku tulis psl resepi nak wat sambal belacan,baru satu ayat korang da blah g blog laen...x gitu? ;)
nway... Alhamdulillah...my career skrg ni x perfect tapi agak memuaskan..salary yang not that much but its comfortable dan sgt sesuai dgn workload yang agak busy but Alhamdulillah i dont have problems managing it all, distance yg agak jauh tapi perjalanan yg tak terlalu stress...
okay so aku admit yg once upon a time i dream of having a big salary but with less or better yet,no work at all!aku nk sign cheques je ke..goyang kaki je ke..attend meeting je ke...smpy salin minit pn org laen yg watkn utk aku....BUT...
come on....no such thing as having that kind of life without struggling....aku tgk boss aku yg salarynye berpuluh kali ganda besar dari aku pun still strive hard...bile masuk court or meeting pn,die still salin berhelai2....langsung x suruh aku padahal aku ni employee die....he owns much...but he still do the hard work...and nowi can see that he earns it with his hardwork and his own effort....and yet smpy gaji die di tahap ni pun die x stop lagi..x goyang kaki lagi....
so lets note to ourselves, if we want more money,we better work more...ni bile gaji / claim cket, complaint, tapi bile bagi kerja lebih asyik berdolak dalih jer...rase2nye are we entitle tak to receive any raises or bonuses?...
chaiyokkk amoi!!! work harder!!! =)